What others say about FLYABOUT:
““A courageously honest self portrait. Cool adventure. Awesome footage.” ”
“So thoughtful... The film is wonderful.””
““A masterpiece that rivals the best aviation movies. And aviation is richer for her accomplishment.”
— Max Trescott, 2008 National CFI of the Year
“You don’t have to be a pilot to love this one!”
— Rinker Buck, Author Flight of Passage
“The doc has wonderful messages in it. It is very empowering and insightful.”
— Elizabeth Avellan, Producer
““…FANTASTIC! I loved it…Many folks would profit from watching this film.”
— Rod Machado, Aviation instructor, speaker and writer
“Quite an inspirational video.”
—Martha King, King Schools
“...a gem of a film”
— Amy Labado, Aviation for Women Magazine”
Karlene’s Flight to Success
Max Trescott's Christmas Wish List in EAA Sport Aviation
Aero-News: Flyabout An Australian Hit At Oshkosh
TV-Kult review (German)
Kids LA Magazine
Girls With Wings: Passing On The Dream
Trends Aloft by Max Trescott
Aviate.pl review by Michal Milos
Aviate.pl review (English Translation)
Review on golfhotelwhiskey.com by Matthew Stibbe
Video Librarian Review (PDF)
Austin Chronicle review by Frank Rivera
Aviation for Women magazine review
International Women's Air and Space Museum Newsletter
Koku-Fan (Japanese Aviation Magazine) review by Ikuo Shimizu
Koku-Fan Article (English Translation)
EAA Sport Aviation Magazine - Members Tested
My Flight Blog review by Todd McClamroch
AV8rdan’s World of Flying Blog review by Dan Pimentel
Digital Lifescapes Blog review by David H. Deans
Bay Cities 99s Foghorn review
Plastic Pilot - my aviation film of the year
Buddy Pilots
Colorado 99s Newsletter
Haidhauser Anzeiger
Hallo Berg am Laim
Pacific Flyer Review
Plane and Pilot Review
South Pasadena Review
St. Louis Examiner Review
The Movie Chicks Review
Ultralight Flying Magazine
Comments from around the world:
“…The flying scenes were great and made me feel as if I were there. Indeed they were so powerful that I wanted to take the stick and land it crosswind sometimes…”
— Rinker Buck, Author “Flight Of Passage”
“One of the best things I saw at Air Venture this year!“
— Max Trescott, CFI of the Year 2008, Author, Aviation Blogger
“…Your first screening was tonight and people were raving as they left the theater. There was not a single available seat in the house!!“
— Loretta Miles, Lead Programmer Salem Film Festival, OR
“If this film does not make you want to head out to the airport NOW and crank up the Skyhawk, you should consider turning in your pilot's license.“
—Dan Pimentel, Aviation Blogger
"An incredibly honest and visceral story. A beautiful film by a talented young filmmaker. You must see this compelling soujourn in the sky."
—George Hickenlooper, Film Director(“Hearts of Darkness”, “Casino Jack”)
“What an amazing adventure -- very inspiring and incredibly impressive!”
—Allison Anders, Film Director ("Mi Vida Loca”, “Gas, Food and Lodging”)
“At our library’s program, teens and adults alike sat with eyes glued to the film, entranced by Monika’s story and inspired by her courage.”
—Librarian, Seattle Public Library
— Alvaro Paganelli, Italy
“…I thought your film was excellent. It was a well balanced reflection between, growing up, flying a plane and seeing Australia…”
— Brian Dorer, United Kingdom
"…Flyabout is a kind of movie you can watch every time you feel that something you want to do seems to be impossible. It helps to ask yourself a question about the things really making our lives happier. Also, it encouraged me to buy a small piggybank and start saving for my own trip. Defnitely a title you put on the next-to-tv shelf!”
—Michal Milos, Poland
“Can't say enough good things about Flyabout…”
— Wayne Novy, Southern Museum of Flight
“I really enjoyed your movie last night! It was beautifully done--the narration, the film shots, the music, all were spectacular. Thank you for sharing.”
— Ceci Stratford, San Fernando Valley 99s
“I received your film in the mail yesterday. I think it is a wonderful piece of work, and it will definitely inspire people to take action in their lives. I also enjoyed the way you made it feel like a personal experience for the viewer. I hope you are still flying and enjoying the thrill of seeing life from a different perspective.”
— Asher Arendt, Kosovo
“… I am surprised and pleased that the film is primarily a vision quest utilizing light aircraft. Here are some of the seeds planted by the movie:
Flying contains a spiritual element.
Life is about wholeness of mind, body, spirit, and relationships. Like the relationship with your Dad.
Life is a constant journey (walkabout). When we walk (fly) slowly and quietly through the world we can glimpse the mysteries of existence.
Happiness or maybe I should say fulfillment, comes from pursuing our passion or dream.
Mighty ITY Films is a spin from your mighty Cessna 172’s registration VH-ITY.
Hope you are still flying.
Peace, blue skies, and tailwinds, Bill
PS. The photography was excellent and I enjoyed seeing all the airports you visited. I got a feel for general aviation in Australia. “
— William B. Farley , South Carolina
“…I have loved your documentary from the first day I saw it, and it touched me completely. I think I had a hard time speaking afterward as I would start to tear up and then my throat would close up with joy and emotion.”
— Nancy Hirami, Los Angeles, CA
“… Enjoyed it tremendously…”
— Fiid Williams, San Francisco, CA
“I thought the movie was fantastic, it’s really spurred me onto, at the very least do a safari of Western Australia…”
—Craig Cullum, Australia
“… I absolutely LOVED your movie. I have watched it probably 5 times already and have told everyone I know to order a copy. Thank you for taking the time to make this available…”
—Lynn Sykes, Gwinn, MI
“…My wife & I watched it a few days ago. We both really loved it. It was really inspiring, That must have been an amazing experience for you and your family!...”
— JJ Golden, Ventura, CA
“…It is a candid telling of a young pilot and young woman’s rite of passage. I felt refreshed after watching it, like I had been flying about myself.”
— Pablo Pissanetzky, Poland
“…It is a candid telling of a young pilot and young woman’s rite of passage. I felt refreshed after watching it, like I had been flying about myself.”
— Flygirl, California
“…We greatly enjoyed it… I loved how you tied in your conflict with your father, with the comments about how as we get older we become the ones who watch. Also, I was on the edge of my seat during the crosswind landing…”
— Fernando Torres, California
Portrait in Süddeutsche Zeitung
Interview by eFilmCritic for SXSW
Interview on Stuck Mic AV Podcast
Interview on Public Radio Shreveport
Interview on Pilot’s Journey Podcast
Interview for German TV-Kult
Interview on The New Pilot PodBlog
Interview on “I’d Rather Be Flying”
Interview on WLEA Hornell Radio
Portrait in VC 99s Newsletter
“Most engaging and heartwarming!”
—Richard Larkin, Director of Development YMCA, South Pasadena, CA
“I didn’t expect the event would attract so many members of the community. The audience included everyone from local shop and restaurant owners, to FAA administrators, pilots, students, parents, entire families and even several Girl Scout troops. The appeal of this film is truly universal and the message is clearly one that resonates -- not only among young women and pilots -- but for all who might carry with them a secret dream of something big.”
—Joe Murray, Ph.D., Professor, Kent State University School of Journalism
“…enjoyed it from beginning to end... thought provoking on quite a number of different aspects… deep and meaningful. Flyabout is well done and the sort of thing I would prefer to see on TV.”
—Richard Pobke, Australia
“…I was delighted by your descriptions of the country I love, and totally inspired by your courage in taking on such an amazing challenge, being a relatively new pilot .............. and without an instrument rating !! … I am already planning when I can get back to Australia and follow your journey myself!”
— Carol Bennett, San Diego, CA
“…You show us that fear is an emotion that can be harnessed to take us to a new level of personal understanding of what we are capable of doing, if only we try….. You show us that sometimes we all need to remove ourselves from a situation, in order to think clearly about what we are doing with the remaining time that we have left on this earth….. Monika, tears come to my eyes as I write this note to you. Because I feel for all the fathers who, like me, try their best to ‘do the right thing’ -- while in contrast, we sometimes don’t always say the right thing. As fathers, we are here for you, we adore you….. Your film reminded me of all these truths. Yes, you could say that your film touched one more person.”
— David Deans, Austin, TX
“I had a look at your video very happily. I did not understand the English well, but enjoyed a picture. I am envious of your father. To have trip flights with a daughter. I am an old man of 60 years old that a small single-engine airplane loves…”
— Jukichi Tanaka, Japan
“My wife and I just finished watching your film and really loved it. It brought back for us our memories of visiting Australia and for me some of the reasons I learned to fly. Thanks for documenting that wonderful experience.”
— Todd McClamroch, Chicago, IL
“…What you did in your trip is wildly shared same emotion by many people in different culture. This must be the power of the movie, and maybe only visual media can do that. This is the credit for you and your movie. You should be proud of that… No matter where we are, we share same emotion as human being.”
— Ikuo Shimizu, Japan
“Thanks for the movie. I watched it yesterday. I am very impressed in many ways. I think you explored much more than Australia :-) ”
— John Ellard, United Kingdom
“… I just love it. You know, I [was] thinking of doing such a trip, but I never went through with it. I hope I will get time and money to do a trip similar to yours one day.”
— Urban Joelsson, Sweden
“… thank you for sharing your experience…. I grew up in and around aircraft and have of course seen many aviation films but have not found something so simple and moving as I found in your film.
Perhaps it was something similar about my experience growing up with my father and flying that caused me to reflect on something I never fully considered before but it was nice to confront it now, and perhaps that is finally understanding what it means to love your father.”
— Greg Lambert, Salem, OR
“… I've really enjoyed your movie. I love your sincerity, what you can feel between each members of your group, between you and your father, your fear, your pride. Everythings sound in tune.
…you give me a new dream: Organizing the same journey you did with some of my friends who are pilots and disabled. You know this Saint Exupéry sentence : "Let the dream devours your life so that the life does not devour your dream".
Thank you for you example and inspiration.”
— Daniel Ramseier, Switzerland
“…70 mins went too qwik. I'm going to watch it again, I want to see more :-)”
— David Foster, Brisbane, Australia
“…Really enjoyed it. A few weeks ago I went on a flight with my 20 year old son who is building hours for his Commercial. We flew from Melbourne to the top of Queensland and and back in a Piper Archer, some 32 hours of flying. We had a great time, but wished I had have watched your video before :-) “
— Dale Grose, Australia
“…I read about Flyabout in a recent issue of Plane and Pilot magazine. I've never ordered any of their featured books or movies before but yours caught my eye and I ordered it right away. I've since given it to some friends to watch so it's gone from my house but I watched it a couple times first.”
— Dave Ericson, Canada
“…I was "blown away" by your project… I loved the way your project was edited, the music selection, and your honest style. You taught me a great deal by watching it, and I have so many more questions."
— Gary Foster, New Zealand
“I am very impressed in many ways. I think you explored much more than Australia :-)"
— John Ellard, United Kingdom
“Loved your film…. tried to see your film the first night at the Salem film festival but it was sold out. Then I decided to buy your film. As a result, I am going to purchase another one for a pilot friend that has 450 hours. Just think he is going to love your film also."
—Karen McConnell, Oregon